We’re now set up to welcome wine enthusiasts to our vineyard and share with them the story of our wine adventure. Members of the “Munskänkarna” wine tasting organisation from Trosa, south of Stockholm, were the first to visit us. The group of 14 arrived in high spirits at our vineyard in the last week of August.
They spent one week in the region visiting a number of excellent vineyards in DO Montsant and DOQ Priorat, with opportunities to take in the beautiful countryside. By the time they arrived at Bell Cros at the end of their week, our visitors had been spoiled by fine wines and gourmet cuisine. It was time to bring them back down to earth! So, in true Swedish style a la IKEA, we had them cooking their own food from scratch and mixing their own wines.
Miguel Figini, who joined our team of staff in September as sales developer for Catalonia/Spain, is also in charge of ensuring that our visitors enjoy a memorable experience. Miguel began by demonstrating how to make Catalan Butifarra sausages. Everyone then mixed, seasoned and stuffed their own sausages.
The wines that our visitors mixed themselves were served to accompany the meal. It gave everyone the chance to be a winemaker for a day. There were four different Carignan and Grenache wines, straight out of the oak barrels and steel vats, for them to choose from.
Although it was the first time we held such an event, everything went well. Now and then it was slightly chaotic because we had lots of activities on the go. As the organisers, we greatly enjoyed the day and would love to see more groups visiting our vineyard. So please get in touch!