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My critical fellow sommelier students at Vinkällan wine school in Gothenburg are sampling the first Bell Cros wine.

Into the third season and still no wine to drink.

We’re really busy preparing for the third season and none of our wine is ready to drink yet. But it soon will be…..

The purchase of our first piece of land in 2017 included some 4,000 kg of Cariñena grapes. The wine made from this harvest is now ready to be bottled.

At last, the real fun starts. Knowing that we’ll soon be able to drink our own wine after waiting for 18 months brings a feeling of indescribable joy! And of course it’s the best wine we’ve ever tasted! Biased? Not us. Even if it were the worst wine we’d ever drunk we’d never admit it. So many emotions and tremendous happiness. We’ll tell you more about this wine once we’ve got it bottled.

We’re now in the thick of planning 2019’s harvest, our third one. Three red wines and one white wine from the 2018 harvest are now maturing. To be able to offer a complete selection, we’ll be expanding our product range with another 2 or 3 sorts of wine. The characteristics of our wines will be freshness and elegance. They have three levels of quality. The working names we’ve given these levels are “easy to drink”, “pair with meals” and “prestige”.

It is far more difficult than I had ever imagined to come up with names for the different wines. We haven’t settled on any names yet but are still calling them “happy wine”, “old wine” and various other names. The names will come, they have to come, and we’re working hard with our advertising agency to find names that have an association with our vineyard. Ideally they will be Catalan names that are easy for English speakers to pronounce… not that simple.

And we’ll shortly be launching a new website too. It’s all go………

They give it the thumbs up.
Our wine mentor Miguel was one of the first people with whom we wanted to share the pleasure of drinking our first bottle of Bell Cros.
Smiles and laughter on Xavi’s deck. It’s the season for calçots, a type of grilled onion that is dipped in a Romesco salsa sauce and then devoured. Bibs on, it gets messy.
Brainstorming with Anna from the ad agency to come up with names for our wines. There’s always a good ambience and a tasty tipple when working with wines.
A case filled with well-wrapped treasures (our new wine) unpacked back in Sweden.

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